Mission Statement

This Blog is set up to feed every hungry persons desire to eat. You will find great new and interesting concoctions created by Nicholas Spadaro to try for yourself at home. You can also receive great advice on who has the best cakes to who has the spiciest jalapeno's. Through my Journey of New York City I will be experiencing many new different foods and getting inspirations for my own creations, as being a broke college student with quite the hefty pallet, to share with everyone. Please check your Taste Buds at the door and take a seat. I hope that with all this knowledge and your feedback I will one day be able to create a Menu at my own restaurant Munchies, under my head corporation (DaNick inc.) with my brother Daniel. Enjoy ; )

Nicholas Spadaro

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hello everyone out there in cyber space. My name is Nick Spadaro and I am a college student at LIM college. I'm studying to be in the fashion Industry, not sure in what field but I have time. I have always loved eating and coming up with very interesting creations. My friends have all made fun of me for eating these exotic creations, however when I would force them to try a sample there taste buds would go banana's. One day I would love to own my own corporation with my brother Dan. Under this corporation I would love to have a restaurant called Munchies, and it would be filled with all of my amazing creations for all to indulge and love. I figured in my opinion a great restaurant starts with a great menu. What I plan to do is every time I make one of my creations I will type up the recipe for others to try and give me their feedback. Those that are popular will hopefully one day grace the few pages of my menu : )

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